Loved the Rambler picture. Had one in two tone tan. Just brought back a rush of memories.

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Great eye Joel, lots of great talent.

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Thank you, kind sir.

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You have the eye!!!

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I so appreciate the shade of blue on the rambler...my grandfather had a Rambler when I was little kid...that photo brought back memories! And all the various shades of blue in most of your photos today! Thank you.

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Thanks, Judy. Love the Rambler, too. Those old cars are works of art themselves.

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Beautiful work, Joel. I love New Orleans!

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Thank you, Andy! It's such a great city. There's no shortage of photo opportunities there.

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Great title and wonderful series! I would love to go for a walk there!

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Thank you, Susanne, and thank you for sharing the post too. I'm sure you would find plenty to photograph there.

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