I’ve read your essay at this early hour of Christmas morning , my surroundings lighted only by my window candles and comfort sustained by my cat in my lap and coffee mug in hand. Your words and photos nurture my soul, as always, and remind me to cherish the good in our world even as so much is very wrong. I listened to the first half hour of Chris Hodge’s powerful speech and needed to turn away from it until another day. I choose right now to feel love and light and hope. Best wishes to you and Elizabeth. I think about you frequently and miss your presence here in Freedom.
Thank you, Joel. You express so beautifully the thoughts I have had. I listened to part of the speech, but turned it off when my thoughts became too dark. Your photographs are an inspiration. I can disappear into each one. Thank you fir your generosity in sharing all of this.
Once again, thanks Joel for expressing the thoughts and feelings so many of us have. Wishing you and E all the best for the coming year. May next years Christmas post reflect a better world.
I’ve read your essay at this early hour of Christmas morning , my surroundings lighted only by my window candles and comfort sustained by my cat in my lap and coffee mug in hand. Your words and photos nurture my soul, as always, and remind me to cherish the good in our world even as so much is very wrong. I listened to the first half hour of Chris Hodge’s powerful speech and needed to turn away from it until another day. I choose right now to feel love and light and hope. Best wishes to you and Elizabeth. I think about you frequently and miss your presence here in Freedom.
Thank you, Joel. You express so beautifully the thoughts I have had. I listened to part of the speech, but turned it off when my thoughts became too dark. Your photographs are an inspiration. I can disappear into each one. Thank you fir your generosity in sharing all of this.
Once again, thanks Joel for expressing the thoughts and feelings so many of us have. Wishing you and E all the best for the coming year. May next years Christmas post reflect a better world.